Wednesday, March 01, 2006

L.O...L.O..L.O..L.O....V.E!! Reference: Ashlee feat Missy E...hehe usual..woke up at around 8..awalll..uarghhh!ngantukzz masih eh..were asked to accompany my parents to d kadai..ya,well,y not..

went to kadai n my mum bought clothes and a pair of feel like buying anything..bought groceries..bla..bla..bla....den...walaaww eh!!i met my ex classmate!!he was in my class from Form 1-3 den we were in separate classes..n guess wat?he got a son olready!!how sweet!!cute anaknya mcm bapanya..ehem..ehem..hubby urg tu jgn lupa keke..bininya pun lawaaa..woooo...d ting dat awez remind me of him is he always called me "lapik meja berjalan" or in english,"walking table cloth" ngamkah??correct me if im wrong peeps hehe..y he called me dat?cos i was a prefect n prefects have to wear a different uniform n for girls, we had to wear mcm picnic table punya table cloth..yess..seriously...menyampah ku!!n dats one of the reasons y i gave up being a prefect..haha just becos of the kain..hmmmm

n den went home pas tu help my mom cooked hehe rajin kali ahh:P den lunch n acap..yea!!!uve finished ur progress test!!wohooo hehe..dapat relax ckit ahh..hehe..jadikan liat wayg sama kaka ani?hehe...

and by in the afternoon i feel so damn bored!!gila boring bnar yo!den ive asked my eldest bro pakan dbuat?den he said just cruise around kah..o..ko jumpa syapakah..(with a capi2 smile on his face)hehe!n click!!baik ku jumpa *** hehe...rinduku ehhhh..keke..den my mum tanya..kan kmana ko?hmmm...jalan...TTR ku ulihnya..n my bro start to make faces n smile like a MORON haha..sorry bro..keke

den met *** @ seria den jalan2 keke..happy nyeee!hmmmm miss youuuuu :) wanna c u more,atu gatal bini2nya hehe..biarkan tiaa..:P

den selajur ambil my bro from skulah ugama..

went home

send my bro to tuition

watching PHSM 2 msani..scary lah maya karin ani!Shish!!bah k peeps!!



Green Wanderer said...

sekadar jua psl kain sekulah... o_o;

wInk$ said...

hehe awuwah green wanderer...tganggu rasaku makai kahkahkahkahkah